Dependency Installation

Required software

  • Fortran compiler supporting Fortran 2008
  • MPI library
  • NetCDF
  • SCALE library

Optional software

Install SCALE library

See Users Guide of SCALE.

Build FE-Project

  1. Preparation
  • Set SCALE_FE_SYS environmental variable (see the sysdef directory)

% export SCALE_FE_SYS=MacOSX-gnu-ompi (for example)

  • Set a directory in which SCALE library is contained

% export SCALE="~/workspace/scale-5.4.5/" (for example)

  • If a developing version of SCALE library is used, set a variable as


  • If you would like to enable a thread parallelization with OpenMP, set a variable as


  • Set a directory in which a NetCDF library is contained (if necessary).

% export NETCDF="/ap/netcdf4-fortran/4.7.3/" (for example)

  1. Build the library in the directory of FElib

% cd rootdir/FElib/src/

% make

Compile and run simple sample programs

For example, in the case of sample/advect1d,

% cd rootdir/sample/advect1d/

% make

Compile and run atmospheric models

If you want to build a three-dimensional nonhydrostatic atmospheric model, and conduct an idealized test case, such as density current, using it,

% cd rootdir/model/atm_nonhydro3d/test/case/density_current

% make

% make run

In the directory of ‘visualize’, some python scripts with matplotlib are prepared for visualizing simulation results.