SCALE DG regional and global model (SCALE-DG)
SCALE-DG is a three-dimensional (3D) regional and global atmospheric model in which both of the horizontal and the vertical discretizations are based on the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method.
Brief Description
- Support both 3D regional and global simulations only in SCALE-DG
- This feature is provided by a model framework provided by our DG library
- Execute parallel simulations in supercomputers
- Process and thread parallelizations are performed by MPI library (we use 2D domain compositions) and OpenMP, respectively.
- Generate initial data for idealized experiments
- Treat NetCDF files as input and output data
Dynamical core
- Governing equation: 3D fully compressible non-hydrostatic equations
- Grid system: hexahedral finite element and horizontally curvilinear coordinate system
- For the global mode, cubed sphere coordinate is specifically adopted
- Topography can be treated using a terrain-following coordinate
- Spatial discretization: nodal discontinuous Galerkin method (e.g., Hesthave and Warburton, 2007)
- Polynomial order associated with numerical accuracy can be arbitrarily chosen.
- Numerical flux: Rusanov flux
- Stabilization mechanisms: numerical diffusion with numerical flux, modal filtering
- Temporal discretization: various type of Runge-Kutta (RK) schemes
- Full explicit (horizontally and vertically explicit; HEVE)
- Classical 4s4o RK scheme (where 4s4o means 4th-order and 4 stage)
- Strong-stability preserving (SSP) RK schemes: 3s3o, 4s3o, 5s3o (Higueras and Roldan, 2018), 10s4o (Ketcheson, 2008)
- Horizontally explicit and vertically implicit (HEVI)
- Implicit and explicit RK schemes: ARK232 (Giraldo et al., 2013), ARK324 (Kennedy and Carpenter, 2003)
- Full explicit (horizontally and vertically explicit; HEVE)
- Tracer transport
- Preserving the non-negativity is ensured by a limiter (Light and Durran, 2016) and SSP RK schemes in conjunction with fundamental spatial discretization by nodal DGM.
Physical processes
- Turbulence process
- Smagorinsky (1963) and Lilly (1962)-type sub-grid scale model corrected by Brown et al. (1994) and Scotti et al. (1993)
- Cloud microphysics (using the SCALE library)
- 3-class 1 moment bulk scheme (Kessler 1969)
The description of SCALE-DG is available at Document page.
Example of numerical experiments
Simulation results of standard test cases such as baroclinic wave and Held Suarez experiments are shown in Gallery page.