Gallery / Simple example
One-dimensional Linear Advection Problem
This page show an example to numerically solve a one-dimensional linear advection equation with the discontinuous Galerkin method (DGM) using FElib. The equation solved is as \[ \dfrac{\partial u}{\partial t} + \dfrac{\partial (c u)}{\partial x} = 0 \;\;\; {\rm in} \;\; \Omega \times T \tag{1} \] where u=u(x,t) is the scalar quantity, $c$ is a constant velocity, $t \in (0,T]$ for $T < \infty$, and $\Omega$ is $0 \le x \le L$. The initial condition is \[ u(x,0) = u_0(x) \;\; x \in \Omega \] and periodic boundary condition is imposed at $x=0, L$. The exact solution is given as \[ u(x,t) = u_0(x-ct). \tag{2} \] In this page, we assume that $L=1$, $c=1$, and $u_0(x)=\sin(4 \pi x/L)$.
1. Discretization
$\Omega$ is divided by non-overlapping finite element $\Omega_e$ and in each element we introduce a local coordinate as $\xi=2(x-x_e)/h_e$ where $x_e$ and $h_e$ are the center position and the width of the element.
In a nodal DGM, the numerical solution within $\Omega_e$ is represented by \[ u(\xi,t)|_{\Omega_e} \sim u^e(\xi,t)=\sum_{j=0}^p U^e_j(\xi,t) l_j(\xi) \tag{3} \] where $l_j(\xi)$ is the Lagrange polynomials associated with the j’s Lagrange-Gauss-Lobatto (LGL) node. When we minimize L2 norm of a residual $\partial u^e/\partial t + \partial (c u^e)/\partial x$ against the tendency of each $U^e_j(\xi,t)$, the following equation is obtained \[ \dfrac{h_e}{2} \int_{-1}^1 \dfrac{\partial u^e}{\partial t} l_j d\xi + \int_{-1}^1 \dfrac{\partial c u^e}{\partial \xi} l_j d\xi = 0. \tag{4} \] After performing integration by parts to the second term in the left of Eq. (4) twice, we have the strong form of the semi-discretized equation as \[ \dfrac{h_e}{2} \int_{-1}^1 \dfrac{\partial u^e}{\partial t} l_j d\xi + \int_{-1}^1 \dfrac{\partial c u^e}{\partial \xi} l_j d\xi + [ (\widehat{cu} - cq^e)]^{1}_{-1} = 0 \;\;\;\; (j=0,\cdots,p) \tag{5} \] where $\widehat{Uq}$ is the numerical flux a a element boundary and the form is defined as \[ \widehat{cu}(u^l,u^r) = \dfrac{c}{2}(u^l + u^r) - \beta \dfrac{|c|}{2}(u^l - u^r) \tag{6} \] where $u^l$ and $u^r$ are the value of $u$ at left and the right sides of the element boundary, respectively. The numerical flux for $\beta=0$ is the central flux, while for $\beta=1$ is the full upwind flux. Equivalently, if we introduce the component of normal vector $n_x$ whose sign is defined such that the outward flux is positive, Eq. (6) can be written as \[ \widehat{cu}(u^+,u^-) n_x = \dfrac{c}{2}(u^+ + u^-)n_x - \beta \dfrac{|c|}{2}(u^+ - u^-) \tag{7} \] where $u^+$ and $u^-$ are the value of $u$ at the boundary of neighbor and own elements, respectively. Substituting Eq. (3) to Eq. (5) gives the semi-discretized equation based on the nodal DGM in the matrix-vector form as \[ \dfrac{h_e}{2} M \dfrac{d \vec{U^e}}{dt} = - S^T (c \vec{U^e}) - B (\widehat{cu} - c\vec{U^e})\] where $\vec{U^e}=(U^e_0,\cdots,U^e_p)$, $M$ is the mass matrix, $S$ is the stiffness matrix, and $B={\rm diag}(-1,\cdots,1)$ is the matrix associated with boundary integration operator. If we multiply the both sides of the above equation by $2/h_e M^{-1}$, the differential form is obtained as follows \[ \dfrac{d \vec{U^e}}{dt} = - e D (c \vec{U^e}) - f L (\widehat{cu} - c\vec{U^e}) \tag{8} \] where $D=M^{-1} S^T$ is the differential matrix, $L=M^{-1} B$ is the lifting matrix, and $e=f=2/h_e$.
The temporal discretization for the spatially semi-discretized equation in Eq. (8) is based on the method of lines which treats ordinary differential equations $d \vec{U^e}/dt = F(\vec{U^e})$. For the full explicit DGM, the temporal discretization is often performed by strong Stability Preserving Runge-Kutta (SSP RK) and here we adopt a three stage and third order schemes (Shu 1988) defined as \[ \vec{U^e}^{(1)} = \vec{U^e}^n + \Delta t F(\vec{U^e}), \] \[ \vec{U^e}^{(2)} = \dfrac{3}{4} \vec{U^e}^n + \dfrac{1}{4} \vec{U^e}^{(1)} + \dfrac{1}{4} \Delta t F(\vec{U^e}^{(1)}), \] \[ \vec{U^e}^{n+1} = \dfrac{1}{3} \vec{U^e}^n + \dfrac{2}{3} \vec{U^e}^{(2)} + \dfrac{2}{3} \Delta t F(\vec{U^e}^{(2)}) \] where $\Delta t$ is the time step. Note that, for $p+1$ th-order and $p+1$ stage Runge-Kutta DG method with $p$th-order polynomials, $\Delta t$ should be less than $h_e/[c(2p+1)]$ to ensure the numerical stability.
2. Implementation
An implementation of the discretized equation described in the above section is shown below. This source code is essentially the same as that in rootdir/sample/advect1d/test_advect1d.f90.
Source code: test_advect1d.f90
#include "scalelib.h"
program linear_adv_eq
use scale_precision
use scale_io
use scale_prc
use scale_sparsemat
use scale_element_base
use scale_element_line
use scale_localmesh_1d
use scale_mesh_linedom1d
use scale_meshfield_base
use scale_meshfieldcomm_base
use scale_meshfieldcomm_1d
use scale_file_history_meshfield
use scale_file_history
use scale_time_manager
use scale_timeint_rk
implicit none
real(RP), parameter :: dom_xmin = 0.0_RP, dom_xmax = 1.0_RP
real(RP), parameter :: c = 1.0_RP
real(RP) :: beta = 1.0_RP
type(LineElement) :: refElem
type(SparseMat) :: Dx, Lift
type(MeshLineDom1D), target :: mesh
type(LocalMesh1D), pointer :: lcmesh
type(MeshField1D), target :: u
type(MeshFieldComm1D) :: fields_comm
type(MeshFieldContainer) :: field_list(1)
type(timeint_rk), allocatable :: tinteg_lc(:)
integer :: nowstep
integer :: rkstage
integer :: tintbuf_ind
integer, parameter :: RKVAR_U = 1
integer :: n
integer :: ke
integer :: HST_ID
call init()
call set_initcond()
do nowstep=1, TIME_NSTEP
do rkstage=1, tinteg_lc(1)%nstage
!* Exchange halo data
call fields_comm%Put(field_list, 1)
call fields_comm%Exchange()
call fields_comm%Get(field_list, 1)
!* Update prognostic variables
do n=1, mesh%LOCAL_MESH_NUM
lcmesh => mesh%lcmesh_list(n)
tintbuf_ind = tinteg_lc(n)%tend_buf_indmap(rkstage)
call cal_tend( tinteg_lc(n)%tend_buf2D_ex(:,:,RKVAR_U,tintbuf_ind), &
u%local(n)%val, lcmesh, lcmesh%refElem1D )
call tinteg_lc(n)%Advance( rkstage, u%local(n)%val, RKVAR_U, &
1, lcmesh%refElem%Np, lcmesh%NeS, lcmesh%NeE )
end do
end do
!* Advance time
call TIME_manager_advance()
!* Output
call FILE_HISTORY_meshfield_put(HST_ID, u)
call FILE_HISTORY_meshfield_write()
end do
call final()
subroutine cal_tend( dudt, u_, lmesh, elem )
implicit none
class(LocalMesh1D), intent(in) :: lmesh
class(ElementBase1D), intent(in) :: elem
real(RP), intent(out) :: dudt(elem%Np,lmesh%NeA)
real(RP), intent(in) :: u_(elem%Np,lmesh%NeA)
real(RP) :: Fx(elem%Np), LiftDelFlx(elem%Np)
real(RP) :: del_flux(elem%NfpTot,lmesh%Ne)
call cal_del_flux_dyn( del_flux, & ! (out)
u_, lmesh%normal_fn(:,:,1), & ! (in)
lmesh%vmapM, lmesh%vmapP, lmesh, elem ) ! (in)
do ke = lmesh%NeS, lmesh%NeE
call sparsemat_matmul(Dx, c * u_(:,ke), Fx)
call sparsemat_matmul(Lift, lmesh%Fscale(:,ke) * del_flux(:,ke), LiftDelFlx)
dudt(:,ke) = - ( lmesh%Escale(:,ke,1,1) * Fx(:) + LiftDelFlx )
end do
end subroutine cal_tend
subroutine cal_del_flux_dyn( del_flux, u_, nx, vmapM, vmapP, lmesh, elem )
implicit none
class(LocalMesh1D), intent(in) :: lmesh
class(ElementBase1D), intent(in) :: elem
real(RP), intent(out) :: del_flux(elem%NfpTot*lmesh%Ne)
real(RP), intent(in) :: u_(elem%Np*lmesh%NeA)
real(RP), intent(in) :: nx(elem%NfpTot*lmesh%Ne)
integer, intent(in) :: vmapM(elem%NfpTot*lmesh%Ne)
integer, intent(in) :: vmapP(elem%NfpTot*lmesh%Ne)
integer :: i, iP, iM
do i=1, elem%NfpTot*lmesh%Ne
iM = vmapM(i); iP = vmapP(i)
del_flux(i) = 0.5_RP * ( c * ( u_(iP) - u_(iM) ) * nx(i) &
- beta * abs(c) * ( u_(iP) - u_(iM) ) )
end do
end subroutine cal_del_flux_dyn
subroutine set_initcond()
use scale_const, only: PI => CONST_PI
implicit none
do n=1, mesh%LOCAL_MESH_NUM
lcmesh => mesh%lcmesh_list(n)
do ke=lcmesh%NeS, lcmesh%NeE
u%local(n)%val(:,ke) = sin( 4.0_RP * PI * lcmesh%pos_en(:,ke,1) / ( dom_xmax - dom_xmin ) )
end do
end do
call FILE_HISTORY_meshfield_put(HST_ID, u)
call FILE_HISTORY_meshfield_write()
end subroutine set_initcond
subroutine init()
use scale_calendar
implicit none
integer :: NeGX = 8
integer :: PolyOrder = 4
character(len=H_MID) :: TINTEG_SCHEME_TYPE = 'ERK_SSP_3s3o'
namelist /PARAM_ADVECT1D/ &
NeGX, PolyOrder, &
integer :: comm, myrank, nprocs
logical :: ismaster
integer :: ierr
call PRC_MPIstart( comm )
call PRC_SINGLECOM_setup( comm, & ! [IN]
nprocs, myrank, ismaster ) ! [OUT]
call PRC_ERRHANDLER_setup( .false., ismaster ) ! [IN]
call IO_setup( "advect1d.conf", allow_noconf = .true. )
call IO_LOG_setup( myrank, ismaster )
if( ierr > 0 ) then !--- fatal error
LOG_ERROR("init",*) 'Not appropriate names in namelist PARAM_TEST. Check!'
call PRC_abort
call CALENDAR_setup
call TIME_manager_Init
call refElem%Init( PolyOrder, .false. )
call Dx%Init( refElem%Dx1 )
call Lift%Init( refElem%Lift )
call mesh%Init( NeGX, dom_xmin, dom_xmax, refElem, 1 )
call mesh%Generate()
call u%Init( "u", "1", mesh )
call fields_comm%Init( 1, 0, mesh )
field_list(1)%field1d => u
call FILE_HISTORY_meshfield_setup( mesh )
call FILE_HISTORY_reg( u%varname, "u", u%unit, HST_ID, dim_type='X')
allocate( tinteg_lc(mesh%LOCAL_MESH_NUM) )
do n=1, mesh%LOCAL_MESH_NUM
lcmesh => mesh%lcmesh_list(n)
call tinteg_lc(n)%Init( TINTEG_SCHEME_TYPE, TIME_DTSEC, 1, &
2, (/ lcmesh%refElem%Np, lcmesh%NeA /) )
end do
end subroutine init
subroutine final()
implicit none
call FILE_HISTORY_meshfield_finalize()
call u%Final()
call fields_comm%Final()
call mesh%Final()
call Dx%Final(); call Lift%Final()
call refElem%Final()
call TIME_manager_Final()
call PRC_MPIfinish()
end subroutine final
end program linear_adv_eq
3. Build and Execution
Build FElib following install document. Note that the environment variables set here are also used in subsequent steps.
Make a new directory in rootdir/sample/, and copy the following four files:
% make
to compile test_advect1d.f90. After this step, a binary file (test_advect1d) will be obtained. -
% make run
to run the program with advect1d.conf. If this step succeeds, will be output. -
% make vis
to visualize the simulation result. By this command, the python script will generate advect1D.mp4.
Simulation paramters in advect1d.conf are configured as folllows:
As for the spatial discretization, the number of element is 16 and the polynominal order ($p$) is 3.
The integration period is $T=5$ and the timestep is $\Delta t=0.005$.
4. Result
Although the details of numerical behavior associated with high-order DGM are not described here (see excercise described below), we can verify the $L^2$ error norm for $p=3$ and the linear advection equation with $C^\infty$ initial profile decreases with $O(h_e^4)$ (i.e., the fourth-order accuracy) when the element size decreases. This convergence rate is mainly related to the interpolation.
5. Exercise
Change initial condition
In this example, as an initial condition, we set a sine wave with $C^\infty$. Thus, when the polynomial order increases or the element size decreases, the numerical solution rapidly converges. If we give a cosine bell or top-hat function which cannot be infinitely differentiated, the numerical behaviors observed in the advected profile will be dramatically changed. Confirm these behaviros by modifiying lines of source code in which the initial condition is set.
Investigate convergence rate of numerical solution
Because the exact solution of the linear advection problem can be obtained at any time by Eq. (2), we can easily investigate the numerical errors with the discretization. For the detail of the source code, please see rootdir/sample/advection1d/test_advect1d.f90.
Confirm effect of disspation with full upwinding numerical flux
In section 4, we show the results for the case of the full upwinding numerical flux ($\beta=1$ in Eq. (6)). This numerical flux appropriately provides numerical disspation in the range of short wavelengths. On the other hand, if we set $\beta=0$ in Eq.
Change temporal scheme
FElib provides various type of SSP RK schemes. Although a three-stage and third-order SSP RK scheme was applied in this example, other scheme is also available by setting the parameter TINTEG_SCHEME_TYPE in advect1d.conf.
When the temporal scheme is replaced, confirm how the numerical stability change or the temporal error decreases.
6. Reference
- Hesthaven, J. S., and T. Warburton, 2007: Nodal discontinuous Galerkin methods: algorithms, analysis, and applications, Springer Science & Business Media